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(Italiano) Un cittadino italiano reclama i suoi diritti per la sua felicità e quella del partner. Uk dice no!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.


Scritto da on 29 July 2013. Filed under Headlines, Latest news, Politics, Primo Piano. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

ommenti su

  1. Alfredo R

    È una cosa disgustosa che questo succeda a Londra patria dell’equalita e dei diritti ..

  2. Erasmo T

    What ?
    The home office refuse the entrance that is again the right byteE.U and the human right .
    What up to the home office they give the visa to the TERRORIST not to this couple !!

    What she doing the Baroness Ludford Vice President of LGBT meddle east , nothing ..

    I think every one go completely crazy … I hope the 2 guy they can get married or in civil partnership ..

    Stay strong and fait again this discrimination ..

    Erasmo . T

  3. William Higs

    No comment completely disgusting .. Our country now give visa only to terrorist criminal ..
    Guy don’t stop keep fainting ..

  4. Alan Dutton

    The Italian Consulate that, supposedly should be looking after the interest of the Italian nationals in UK, is a proper and utter farce. The Consuls are only puppet figures interested in networking and their careers. They come to UK for a short term, some of them without even speaking (hence understanding) the language and will have no idea about local needs. Help, in the form of authority (which Italy hasn’t got anywhere in the world) should come from them with the view to aid this couple. However I don’t understand why the couple don’t meet in Cape Verde, Las Vegas or anywhere else where is legal to get married and proceed, legally, from there to get united here in UK at a later date?


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