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From Rome to London to become a popstar. Interview with Kate Klein

London– Energy, attitude and charismatic ….. Three words to describe Kate Klein, an Italian girl from Venice who went to London to follow her dream. I was with my business partner when I met Kate having a coffee in Caffè Nero and after a spontaneous conversation we’ve decided to do an interview. She knew what she wanted to […]


London – The crème de la crème of the international Italian community will gather at London’s prestigious BAFTA for the PrimiDieci UK 2016 Awards Gala Dinner on 3rd May 2016. The black-tie gala event will celebrate ‘the ten most successful Italians in the UK today’ across fields from culture to science, design to business, and […]

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Una salamandra gigante allo zoo di Londra

Londra – “Professor Wu” è il nome di un esemplare di salamandra gigante cinese (Andrias davidianus), il più grande anfibio del mondo (può raggiungere il metro e 80 di lunghezza) si trova ora alla Zoological Society of London, London Zoo, per fare da testimonial a una nuova campagna per salvare la specie. Si tratta di […]

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Mayor of London approves plans for up to 3,610 homes and more than 17,000 jobs at Canary Wharf

London – Plans to create a new waterside community on the eastern edge of Canary Wharf with up to 3,610 homes and more than 17,000 jobs have been approved by the Mayor of London today (Wednesday, December 10). The new development, on land formerly known as Wood Wharf, will transform a vast 13.6 hectare site […]

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Ferrari avrà presto la sede fiscale nel Regno Unito

Londra – La Ferrari potrebbe spostare la propria sede fiscale nel Regno Unito, in modo da pagare meno tasse, come prevede il sistema fiscale britannico. La notizia è stata riferita dall’agenzia economica americana Bloomberg ed il quartier generale della Ferrari on smentisce, limitandosi a far sapere che il trasferimento della sede fiscale è una ipotesi […]

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Mayor plants the seed for a leafier London with pledge of thousands more trees

London – As part of National Tree Week the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, today announced plans to make London leafier by planting the final 4,300 trees in his Street Tree Initiative. This is the third and final round of the initiative, which is on track to meet the Mayor’s commitment to plant an additional […]

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London, Tentazioni: authentic Italian fine dining

London – Tentazioni Restaurant is an authentic Italian fine dining owned by Riccardo Giacomini, former Head Chef of the Restaurant. It has been open since 1997 with the aim to provide authentic, fresh and seasonal Italian food, according to the Italian traditional cuisine and style. Recognised as one of London’s leading Italian restaurants, receiving superb […]

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London, under the Tuscan sun: Frescobaldi Restaurant to open in Mayfair

London – The Frescobaldi family, one of Italy’s oldest and most respected wine dynasties, is to open its first standalone restaurant and wine bar in the UK. The project will also be the first joint venture between the Frescobaldis and Good Food Society, a new hospitality venture promoted by Levent Büyükuğur, founder of Istanbul Doors, […]

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I 99 POSSE saranno a Londra con un nuovo album

Londra – La Storia non si ferma e non fa un passo indietro. Al limite si ripete, tiene il ritmo, si guarda indietro, ma la linea del tempo scorre inarrestabile in avanti. E così la storia dei 99 POSSE corre e corre ancora dopo 20 anni con la stessa energia di un guaglione. Il 25 […]

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Pompeii and Herculaneum, a World Legacy

London – “This exhibition enabled those who died in Pompeii and Herculaneum so suddenly to live on, to share their lives with us 2,000 years later” One the most visited and anticipated British Museum’s exhibition, Life and Death. Pompeii and Herculaneum is closing its doors. AD 79. In just 24 hours, Pompeii and Herculaneum, two […]

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